Overview of the most important fees in the Swiss, European and international patent procedures

Status per 1 July 2019


Swiss patent applications


Application, examination and grant

Application fee

CHF 200

Examination fee

CHF 500

Claims fee for each additional claim from the 11th patent claim

CHF 50

Fee for an accelerated examination
(to be paid in addition to the examination fee and
before the substantive examination)

CHF 200


Optional searches


Swiss patent application search

CHF 500

International search (for applications first filed in Switzerland)

CHF 1363


Renewal fees

Year after filing


CHF 100


CHF 120


CHF 140


CHF 160


CHF 180


CHF 220


CHF 260


CHF 300


CHF 340


CHF 400


CHF 460


CHF 520


CHF 600


CHF 680


CHF 760


CHF 860


CHF 960

Supplementary fee for late payment of renewal fee

CHF 50


Other fees

Further processing fee (failure to observe time limit, Art. 46a para. 2. PatA)

CHF 100

Reinstatement fee (failure to observe time limit, Art. 15 para. 2 Patent Ordinance)

CHF 500

Opposition fee (for opposition to a patent)

CHF 800


Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC) and Paediatric Supplementary Protection Certificates



Application fee for an SPC

CHF 2500

Application fee for extending an SPC

CHF 1500

Application fee for a paediatric SPC

CHF 3000


Renewal fees

Year after filing


CHF 1060


CHF 1160


CHF 1260


CHF 1360


CHF 1460

(as the maximum period of protection is 5.5 years,
only half of the renewal fee for year 6 is to be paid)

CHF 1560

Supplementary fee for late payment of renewal fee

CHF 50


Other fees

Revocation fee (to revoke the extension of an SPC by a third party)

CHF 800


European patent applications

You can file an application for a European patent with us, provided that you are a resident of Switzerland. Until the patent is granted, fees are payable to the EPO for the application, search, designation and examination as well as renewal fees from the third year onwards. The grant of the patent is also subject to fees.


European Patent Office Fees


Following the grant of the patent, you pay national renewal fees in those countries in which you want to keep the patent in force.


International patent applications (PCT)

You can file an international patent application with us. In this case, you will be required to pay the application fee, the international search fee and the transmittal fee. The fee for the international preliminary examination is to be paid to the European Patent Office.


Following the filing and preliminary examination, you will pay renewal fees in those countries in which you want to keep the patent in force.


Fees for international patent applications (PCT)


International filing fee (up to 30 pages including application form)

CHF 1330

From the 31st page onwards

an additional CHF 15 per page

Reduction for filing electronically:


if the application is in character-coded format

CHF 200

if the request, description, claims and abstract are in character-coded format

CHF 300

International search fee

CHF 1751

Transmittal fee

CHF 100

Supplementary fee for late payment:

50% of the fee(s) concerned – min. CHF 100, max. CHF 665


Fee for the international preliminary examination

EUR 1830

Handling fee for the international preliminary examination

EUR 183



