The Swiss Patent Attorney Register

The Swiss Patent Attorney Register contains all patent attorneys who meet the requirements for using the title and who have requested entry in the register. The register is maintained by the IPI.

The register contains both independent patent attorneys as well as patent attorneys working in industry.

Select canton desired:
Surname First name Address Postcode City Employer Date of registration
Manola Andrea Avenue des Morgines 12 1213 Petit-Lancy KATZAROV SA, Petit-Lancy 17.03.2015
Steen Dieter Markus Route de St-Loup 65B 1290 Versoix 24.08.2012
Larbi Amina Rue de Varembé 7 1202 Genève Medicines Patent Pool, Genève 04.05.2012
Aivazian Denis Rue de la Croix-d’Or, 19A 1204 Genève MOINAS & SAVOYE, Genève 22.02.2012
Gundel Isabelle Route de l'Etraz 2 1260 Nyon 1 GSK Consumer Healthcare S.A., Nyon 28.10.2011
Borne Patrice Rue Kazem Radjavi 8 1202 Genève JT International SA, Genève 28.10.2011
Baumgartner-Harris Pauline Rue de la Bergère 7 1242 Satigny Firmenich SA, Satigny 28.10.2011
Stona Daniel Rue de Monthoux 55 1201 Genève Mervelix Sàrl / Invention Angels, Genève 12.10.2011
Moinas Michel Rue Plantamour 42 1201 Genève MOINAS & SAVOYE, Genève 10.10.2011
Bohmann Christine Chemin de Blandonnet 8 1214 Vernier-Geneva Alcon Management SA, Vernier-Geneva 10.10.2011
Bauer-Moore Andrew Chemin du Pavillon 2 1218 Le Grand Saconnex DuPont de Nemours International S.A., Le Grand Saconnex 04.10.2011
Moreau Stéphane Rue de la Croix-d’Or 19A 1204 GENEVE MOINAS & SAVOYE, GENEVE 04.10.2011
Kügele Bernhard Avenue des Morgines 12 1213 Petit-Lancy KATZAROV SA, Petit-Lancy 26.09.2011
Kügele Matthias Avenue des Morgines 12 1213 Petit-Lancy KATZAROV SA, Petit-Lancy 02.09.2011
Ravizza Claudio route de la Galaise 31 1228 Plan-les-Ouates BRACCO SUISSE SA, Plan-les-Ouates 31.08.2011
30 Entries found


