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Raw patent data
On this page, the IPI provides publicly available information from the patent register free of charge in the form of raw data.
The information is available as CSV files and may be used to analyse patent developments and geographical classifications.
Data basis
The data is based on all publications with a filing date from 1 January 1978 onwards that can be viewed on Swissreg as of the effective date. IP rights can only be clearly identified by the IP right number (ID). The kind code (type of document) is not shown in this data.
The collection contains bibliographic data on the time of publication as well as information on the effective date such as the
- Grant date
- Location of the inventor / owner
- Classification
- Payment of renewal fees
The data includes patents which are currently in force as well as cancelled patents. For further information on the contents of the database, please see the Swissreg help page.
Publications | Availability of the data | Remarks and additional Information |
Swiss patent applications | Up until 30 June 2008 – unavailable From 1 July 2008 – available in full | Swiss patent applications were first published from 1 July 2008 |
Swiss patents | From 1 January 1978 – available in full | |
European patent applications | Unavailable | European patent applications with effect in Switzerland are not included before the patent has been granted |
European patents | Up until 12 December 2007 – all patents for which Switzerland was named as a contracting state From 13 December – all patents granted with effect in Switzerland | For further details, see European Patent Convention (EPC 1973), Art. 79, Designation of contracting States |
The database is updated every six months. Status per (effective date): 31.05.2024.
Please contact us for further information at patent-search or @ipi .ch+41 (0) 31 377 77 77
Location of owner
Includes the country, city and, in some cases, the postcode of all the owners of a patent, as well as information on the publication/grant and the start of the protection period (per effective date).
- IP right number (ID)
- Authority (receiving office)
- Publication number
- Start of protection period (filing date)
- Grant date
- Publication date (date of publication of the application)
- Postcode and town/city of all owners as per the effective date
- Country of all owners as per the effective date
Location of inventor
Includes the country, town/city and, in some cases, the postcode of all the inventors named in the publication/patent, as well as information on the publication/grant and the start of the protection period.
- IP right number (ID)
- Authority (receiving office)
- Publication number
- Start of protection period (filing date)
- Grant date
- Publication date (date of publication of the application)
- Postcode and town/city
- Country
Last paid renewal fee
IPC main class
Includes the main IPC class assigned by the office at the lowest level, e.g. "A61B000518", as well as the valid IPC version as per the date of assignment. Only one main class is assigned to each IP right. You can find more information on the IPC at
- IP right number (ID)
- Authority (receiving office)
- Publication number
- Main IPC class
- IPC version
You can find graphics based on this data here.
Terms of Use
By accessing and using the database or parts of the database, the user accepts the Terms of Use.
20.08.2024 | IPI, Dienstleistungen - OnlineServices, Dienstleistungen - Datenbanken und Verzeichnisse
Swissreg is to be completely modernised
01.07.2024 | Law and policy, Copyright
New directive for the supervision of the collective rights management organisations