For IP professionals
This is the portal for professionals working in the field of intellectual property. Here you'll find direct access to all necessary resources.
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By using filters, you can restrict your search, for example, to a specific publication date or a specific category (medicinal products, plant protection products, paediatric [paediatric SPCs]).
Activate or reset filters
You can activate the filter(s) you wish to use before carrying out a search or use filters to refine your search results. In the second case, only the filter applicable to the search result will be displayed.
Active filters are indicated by an asterisk as well as appearing under the heading ‘Filters’.
You can remove the filters individually (directly beside the filter or under the heading ‘Filters’) or remove all at the same time by clicking on ‘Reset’.
Filter by date
For the filters Filing date, Registration date, Cancellation date, Publication date and Expiry date, you can choose a suggested period of time or enter your own. The date ranges ‘Today’, ‘Last 7 days’, ‘Last 30 days’ and ‘Last 365 days’ are calculated from the search date.
Filter: IP right status
The ‘Active’ IP right status includes all published applications as well as all granted certificates that have not been cancelled. Use the ‘Cancelled’ filter to find all SPCs and paediatric SPCs cancelled since September 1995.
Filter: IP right phase
With this filter, you can limit your results to granted certificates or applications for certificates. Please note that applications are only published after formal examination has been completed.
If you are interested in applications for a paediatric extension of an SPC or granted extensions, please consider the tips under ‘Search for SPCs with a paediatric extension’.
Filter: Information on authorisation/approval
The Application filter under Information on authorisation/approval refers to applications for the authorisation of a product (medicinal product) with an associated paediatric investigation plan in the European Economic Area (EEA) and/or Switzerland. Use this filter to search for SPCs with a paediatric extension, or for paediatric SPCs.
Filter: Category
Use the Medicinal product filter to find supplementary protection certificates (SPCs) with and without a paediatric extension.
Use the Paediatric filter to find paediatric supplementary protection certificates (paediatric SPCs).
- Use the Plant protection product filter to find supplementary protection certificates (SPCs) for plant protection products.
Authorisation body
You can find explanations of the various authorisation bodies in the glossary.
Further information on all of the terms used in the filters can be found in the glossary.
Search examples
Search for all certificates for active pharmaceutical ingredients (SPCs and paediatric SPCs)
Search for SPCs with a paediatric extension
Use the following filters:
Category > Medicinal product
Information on authorisation/approval > Application
In the detailed view of the result, in the history, you will find the date of publication of the application for a paediatric extension. If the extension has been granted, the extension of the term of protection is also listed.
The filter Application under Information on authorisation/approval refers to applications for the authorisation of a medicinal product with an associated paediatric investigation plan (PIP) in the EEA or Switzerland. These are relevant to the IPI for the examination of applications for paediatric extensions as well as for paediatric SPCs. You will find information on the application for authorisation in the detailed view of the result.