The search function

You can search the database with or without using search operators. Without search operators, you will only find identical terms.


How the search works

You can search for the following in the search box:

  • SPC or paediatric SPC number

  • Basic patent

  • Product

  • Owner

  • Representative

  • Information on authorisation/approval

Please note that your search will only produce results if the character sequence is found exactly as you have entered it. For example, if you search for Dexamethason, it will only find the word Dexamethason and not Dexamethasonum or Dexamethasone. If you want to find other spellings and similar terms, please use the advanced search options.


If you enter more than one search term, the results will contain at least one of these terms (default operator OR).


For a more targeted search, you can apply filters or use search operators to add or connect terms in the search box.


Please note the information on possible entries in the search box at the end of this page.


Upper/lower case

The search engine does not differentiate between upper and lower case letters.


Terms containing umlauts and other accents

Umlauts (ä, ö, ü) and other accents (e.g. à, ô, ç) are not taken into account by the search engine. This is also true if you use double quotation marks to search for exact word sequences. It therefore does not matter if you type umlauts or accents – a search for schön or schon will produce the same results. You cannot, however, use ae, oe or ue in place of ä, ö or ü.


Terms containing special characters

The search engine does not recognise special characters. This includes the characters / + - & ! ( ). Full stops and commas are recognised.


Possible entries in the search box


SPC or paediatric SPC number


You can enter a number in the search box. The SPC or paediatric SPC number is preceded by a C and contains the basic patent number and the number of the certificate (/01, /02, etc.). The format of the SPC number depends on the basic patent:

CH: C123456/01

EP: C12345678/01


Double quotation marks must be used when searching for a specific SPC containing a slash (/). In addition, leading zeros and the C must be included in the search.


  • Example of a number search: "C01971366/01"


Basic patent number


You can search for a basic patent number or a range of numbers in the search box.

A basic patent may have several SPCs and/or paediatric SPCs. You can search for Swiss patents without adding CH. For European patents, however, the prefix EP and leading zeros must be entered.


  • Example of a number search: CH685436 or 685436, EP0004920

  • Example of a search for a number range: [EP00176758 TO EP00243975]


If you use square brackets when searching for number ranges, the upper and lower numbers entered will also be taken into account in the search.




In the search box, you can search for a product, i.e. an active ingredient or a combination of active ingredients. Applications are published in the national language of the application. Therefore, consider spellings in other official languages in your search query. In some cases, Latin names are also used for products.


  • Examples of a product search: Dexamethason, Dexamethasone, Dexamethasonum




You can search for an owner in the search box. Please consider the various names and spellings of affiliated companies (e.g. Novartis AG, Novartis Pharma AG, Novartis-Erfindungen Verwaltungsgesellschaft). The search function looks for the search term in all the owner addresses.


  • Examples of an owner search: GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly




You can search for a current representative in the search box. The search function looks for the search term in all the representative addresses.


  • Example of a representative search: Meier


Information on authorisation/approval


You can search for the following information in the search box:

  • Authorisation number for medicinal products

  • Approval number for plant protection products

  • Number of the application for authorisation for a specific product with an associated paediatric investigation plan in the European Economic Area (EEA) or in Switzerland


  • Example of a search for information on approval or authorisation: 55807, "EU/1/06/346"



