Advanced search options

Add search operators to your search terms for a more targeted search or to search for terms with similar spellings. You can also limit the search to specific data fields. All search operators can be used in combination with each other.



Restrict your search with AND or NOT

If you search for several terms in the database, these will be connected by OR by default. Each result will contain at least one of these search terms.


Search Results

james bond

James Bond 007, JAMES DEAN, Petro Bond


The search operator AND

If you combine search terms by using AND (or and), you will find all IP rights that contain these search terms. You can also place a + before the terms that must be included.


Search Results

pro AND vita
Or: pro and vita
Or: +pro +vita

PROVITA Gesundheitsversicherung AG, VITA pro, ProVita Medical (fig.)”


The search operator NOT

If you want to exclude search results containing specific terms, please combine the terms to be excluded by using NOT (or not) or by placing a minus sign in front of them.


Search Results

emmi NOT AG
Or: +emmi -AG

Emmi-Dental, Emmi Ultrasonic GmbH, Emmi-Nail, EMMI PUR


Search for exact word sequences with " "

If you want to search for exact word/character sequences, please place them in quotation marks (e.g. "for you"). You will only obtain search results in which the word sequences exactly match what you entered. If you were to search without quotation marks, the results would show all IP rights that contain for or you.


Search Results

"for life"

FOR LIFE, Wisdom for Life, RACE FOR LIFE

"quo vadis"

Quo vadis Drossapharm, Quo Vadis Reisen


Search for terms with variable characters with * and ?

You can use placeholders to search for terms with variable characters. For example, a word with various endings (table, tables, tablecloth) or words with different spellings (colour, color). You can position the placeholders at the start, the end, or the middle of a word or in several positions in a word.

The options are:

  • ? for exactly one sign
  • * for any number of signs (including zero)
Search Results


ECOM, Ecosolve, auto école lémanique, Swiss School of Economics


Ritz-Carlton, Hitz & Partner, Kitz, César Ritz Collèges


Ägeribier, Verbier Addict, Hommage au Gibier


Sette Torri, Settore di formazione esame tessile, SETLINE, Never settle for less, Setelle


Search for similar terms with ~

Place a tilde symbol (~) at the end of a word to perform a fuzzy search, in other words, to search for similar terms. Similar means that you will find character strings that vary from your term by up to two operations (insertion, deletion or substitution of a letter).

Example: a search for spot~ will find spit (o is replaced by i – varies by one operation) and pet (s deleted and o is replaced by e).

Use ~1 to allow terms to only differ by one operation (insertion, deletion or replacement of a letter) – and to obtain fewer results.  

Keyboard shortcuts for the tilde symbol: for Windows: Alt Gr and ^, for Mac OS: Alt and N, for Linux: Alt Gr and +, each followed by a space.

Search Results


Pars, Lars, Marc O’Polo, Marsh Mellow, Star Wars


The same results as those for mars~1, plus Cara, Bass, Barr, for example


Search within ranges with [TO]

You can use [TO] to search within a range, for example, within a number series.


Search Results

Number:[100200 TO 100250]

All emblems with a number between 100200 and 100250


Search in specific fields

For a more targeted search, you can limit your search to single data fields:

  • after searching, via the results list
  • or before searching, by inputting the field name in the search box

Search a field via the results list

In the list of results and only in the list view, all sources for your search term are displayed as active fields. By selecting one of these fields, you limit the search to the corresponding data field. In the example below, if you clicked on the field Title: MARS ROUGE, the search results would only contain terms with mars in the title.



Search a field via the search box

You can also input the fields you want to search directly into the search box. To do so, add the field name as a prefix before the search term (e.g. Number:100273).

The following fields are available (depending on the type):


Protected signs and WIPO signs

Sign text

WIPO signs


WIPO signs

Address of the organisation

WIPO signs

Text component

Protected signs


Protected signs


Protected signs

Legal basis

Protected signs

Vienna Classification

Protected signs and WIPO signs

The field search can also be combined with search operators such as placeholders or AND or NOT connectors.



