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Newsletter IGE | IPI

1 September 2014


Newsletter no. 3/2014 “Legal Information”



Dear Madam, Dear Sir,


We have the pleasure of sending you herewith no. 3/2014 of our Newsletter “Legal Information”. We hope you will enjoy reading it.


01  Agreement on geographical indications between Switzerland and Jamaica enters into force
02Demonstration projects in the field of health research and development
03 Training




01    Agreement on geographical indications between Switzerland and Jamaica enters into force

The agreement between Switzerland and Jamaica on the protection of geographical indications (GIs) enters into force today. It improves protection for designations such as Emmental, Gruyère and Switzerland as well as the Swiss cross and the cantonal coats of arms. For further information, please see the press release.


02    Demonstration projects in the field of health research and development

These projects aim at developing health technologies (medicines, diagnostics, medical devices, etc.) for diseases that disproportionally affect developing countries and for which there are gaps in research and development due to market failure. The projects aim to highlight the effectiveness of alternative, innovative and sustainable approaches to financing and coordination. For more information.


03    Training


Yours sincerely,


Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
Felix Addor
Deputy Director General


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